Favorite Scripture: 3 Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Family and Friends,

This week has been a blast!!! I was able to go Tuesday morning and greet the new missionaries straight off the plane from the MTC. It was a big group of 11 missionaries. For 3 hours we were having a meeting on how to be good effective trainers. It was interesting to hear everyone's ideas of being a good trainer and being able to help the new missionaries get comfortable to missionary lifes. We were able to have lunch with them and they are a fun group of missionaries that are here for the right reasons. After lunch, President prayed to see which greeny is with which trainer. He came out and started naming off new missionaries and trainers. Elder Johnson and I were the only ones left. Then Elder Johnson got called with Elder Arnold from Provo, Utah and they are in our District. Then I got Elder Hansen From Cleveland, Alabama. He is a Military Brat. His father is a retired marine of 21 years. His personality is the total opposite of Elder Lambs ha ha. He is energetic and will talk your ear off. This Elder is the perfect Elder for me in my first training experience.
The first day out we were leaving the apartment heading to our investigator's house when I noticed we forgot to do miles the night before. So I pulled over into a cul-de-sac and wrote down the numbers. Elder Hansen and I looked around and said there is a reason we why we pulled in here. So we got out and started knocking doors. The second house we knocked on was the first one to answer. It was a mother named Daphne. We talked about the gospel and how it blesses families. She was hooked and she was saying that her husband is struggling with the death of his father and has given up on God. So we briefly explained the Plan of Salvation to her and invited her and her family to learn about this Great Plan Of Happiness. After we left the house I yelled, Greeny Power!!!!! and gave Elder Hansen a chest pump so sweet. ha ha. We are going to teach her this upcoming week.
Second, was a cool experience when we taught one of our investigators Chip. He is very strong with his faith in Jesus Christ but believes in a lot of Gospel Principles of men and not of God. Elder Hansen and I by the power of the Holy Ghost were able to help him understand that we believe in the same principle of faith and works because faith without works is dead. I was able to help understand because of our faith In Jesus Christ, we follow his teachings and we follow his commandments because we love him. But if we didn't do that, we can't honestly tell people or our Father in Heaven that we have faith in him. It was crazy how we talked about the same subject and I told him the same thing but this time the Holy Ghost was there to testify of the truth. Also there was GREENY POWER!!!!!!
The third great experience we had was after District meeting we had District Lunch. We were able to take Elder Hansen to IN n OUT for the first time. Before he came to the fresh, satisfying, little peace of Heaven hamburger joint his favorite place was Mcdonalds. I said "Elder, I am so sorry. We need to show you what a real hamburger should look and taste like". We got there and I ordered him Double Double Animal style. He got it and he was amazed. His eyes went so wide and he was shocked of the delicousness of this burger. Man it was great!
Fourth we went and followed up with a potential investigator that Elder Johnson and I found when we went on exchanges. Because Elder Lamb was stuck in the apartment with his knee. We get there and he lets us right in to teach the first lesson. This is Elder Hansen's first actuall lesson hitting every principle. We taught the Restoration and I recited the First Vision and it was powerful and the Holy ghost was very well present. We then went through the Book of Mormon and challenged him to read, ponder, and pray about the Book of Mormon and he said, " Yes". Then for the moment I was waiting for, we Invited him to be Baptized June 25. He accepted and is so excited. Inside I was jumping up and down screaming with pump fists and and all that but I kept it cool inside and scheduled another appointment. Greeny Power!!! ha ha
So we were able to get back into the work hard core! Just like I tracted in my Irvine Day.s I love the work when you walk with the Lord with Faith. I am so grateful for this opportunity! I am seeing miracles! Power of Prayer works and I just got to leave it all out on the table and my Savior will mold me to the person, missionary, and companion he wants me to be. GREAT WEEK!

Elder Brown


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